Sunday 9 August 2015

Could Crew Cruiser/Lethal Intent be the new OE, Moros kills, More Geddon Fights and More Hecate Fits!

Could Crew Cruiser/Lethal Intent be the new OE?

I thought it might be a bit weird to talk about a specific alliance in my blog, but they are kind of relevant to Placid and this blog being about placid and black rise I guess it's not too crazy. Even though I have thought this for a while, I think the recent Reddit posts is what have made me go and write this up.

Now, as I said there have been a couple posts on  Reddit recently which have been making fun of Cruiser Crew mainly due to their I guess perceptions of how they think Placid works. For anyone who doesn't know, essentially one of their guys has been saying that their alliance is going to be crucial in some kind of upcoming great Placid war. That, and they begged BL to help them in their great plight against Snuff and SC by structure bashing. Here are the two paste bins:

Now, as you can tell, this is pretty funny and most of what they're claiming is simply not true. While I love Placid, it's not the center of the universe, and cruiser crew seem to think they are a lot more relevant than they are.

However, I think there is slightly more to it than just an alliance having an ego trip. As I have said on previous blog posts, the current major entities in the gal/cal warzone have been growing in power steadily for a while. As well as this, there is little competition to either of them, as any other alliance in the area is either irrelevant or even with some numbers to field cant hope to take on the super cap power presented by SC or snuff. Although Cruiser Crew actually do seem like the new entity that could come along and cause some interesting fights.

It's worth mentioning that Cruiser Crew are not alone either. They are on good terms with Lethal Intent, who include an Australian corp from OE and CTQ, the guys who ran Cassoff. It's actually Lethal Intent who have the stronger super cap fleet out the two alliances. This with the fact both alliances have the ability to field T3 fleets leads me to believe that, while maybe not now, or for a couple of months, they could potentially fill the gap that OE left. Again, they still have some growing to do, but unless internal drama strikes I could see them getting there. That's not to say they will overtake snuff or SC any time soon, or ever, but they could sure hope to challenge a few moons or just get a lot of fun fights in general.

I think the only way SC or Snuff will fall is if Cruiser Crew/Lethal Intend team up with one of them to kill the other, however I personality think this is extremely unlikely. Still fun to think about though.

Now, before you ask I was not paid to try and big them up, though honestly it does seem like something they could do. I'm not picking sides either, this is just my honest opinion on how the warzone is likely to pan out in the next couple months as I see it. Think they already are the second OE? Think they could never hope to achieve relevance outside of being made fun of on reddit? Tell me why.

What's going on with me this week:

Honestly I feel dirty. For the first time in my life, I used links in solo PvP. Granted, it was only once, but that is inexcusable none the less. What caused me to do such an act? Well, I had just started a stream, I wanted to try out a new Hecate fit and go have some fun. It wasnt too different but instead of hull tank and mag stab, I have armour rigs and EANM in the hopes to get some mad armour tank on the thing. Within a couple mins of looking for fights, I found the perfect gang. A Sentinel, Slicer and Hecate. I quickly got tackle on the Sentinel, bringing him down to hull in a short amount of time. After that I could pick off the Slicer and take out the Hecate with ease just to my huge tank. Then a Kitsune decloaked and jammed me with an off-spec jammer. I think that was the first time I had properly been angry in a game in a really, really long time.

So, because of this I found a new sense of bitterness and started bitching about how you need links to solo PvP properly these days (not saying links would of saved me, but still). Then someone in my stream offered links and I took the offer. Having a 15km web was quite fun and I killed a Tristan, who proceeded to follow me around in a griffin all night for using links.

Probably wont be using links again unless I'm flying a BS though, mainly because I hate myself already for using them once. Muh space honour.

My corp did something pretty cool this week though. I was playing a league game and then someone starts screaming about a Moros going gate from gate a couple jumps out from where we live. I then had to start trying to get a batphone while playing ranked. No one was replying so I went to some of my friends from Snuff, who were luckily already on the case and had supers close by. My corp member apparently got the first point and held the Moros for the snuff fleet to come fuck it up. This may not be true though, I wasnt there, I was too busy being amazing at league. Here is the km:

I gave the guy in my corp who did this the title: "Points Moros, Begs For Director/Free Prot"

Fight of the Week:

This week we have some more Geddon fun to show off. I actually got a really nice fight this time:

I jumped into sys and they followed me. I proceeded to pick them off quite quickly as they failed to scratch my tank. This is why BS solo PVP is so fun, because you can destroy cruiser gangs like this. The geddon is especially good because even if they had bought some logi with them, I could neut them out and severely reduce their rep power, or just kill them with my long ranged missiles and geckos.

There was an Exodus Nomen who killed my corp mates Svipul (who btw I had no idea was following me) and then came to me. To be honest I just saw exodus thought fuck that, I have had too many bad experiences in the past with them. Although looking back I should of stuck around for a bit longer - I always had my MJD if I needed it. Still though, quitting while you're ahead is never a bad thing either.

Was a fun fight, though Gal mil got me back later in the night:

Fit of the Week:

I was talking earlier about a Hecate fit I was trying out, thought I would share it with you all today:

This fit focuses on armour tank rather than a mix between hull and armour. I feel this could work because T3Ds are made to have mental active tank, which cant be done with a hull/armour mix. So, here we are trying full armour. I have had a couple fights though most of them have been blob/ECM fests, so while it looks like the tank is very strong I'm actually not too sure myself right now. So, I propose that you guys try it out as well and get back to me with some results.

It works like any other Hecate fit - get close and personal with the MWD, blap with blasters and tank with defensive mode.

You may think that the hull resist bonus is wasted but is is actually still useful. When bait tanking or bleeding into hull as your reps begin to break, having the extra hull resists can give you enough time to get more dps off the field and continue tanking the incoming dps in your armour.

The powergrid is, like any Hecate fit, extremely tight. You need AWU V. I would recommend getting a 3% powergrid implant and getting A-type reps as well.

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