Sunday, 31 May 2015

Patch Note Analysis, Gate Camping, Man Tanked Comets, Geddon Whelping and Moar Placid Capital Dunks!

Patch Note Analysis:

Patch notes for Carnyx came out this week. Carnyx is to be released on the 2nd of June and will be introducing the new Caldari T3D, the Jackdaw. I am going to go through the three  changes relevant to PvP and analyse them so you guys can get an idea of what's changing and how it will effect you in your pew pew activities.  

It's that time again. Just prey for minimal nerf batting, as always.

First off, there are changes to Afterburners and Microwarpdrives coming. Basically, CCP are messing with the meta levels for both modules. For 1MN AB's, there is pretty much no change bar new names. There are new meta levels for 10MN and 100MN though. These new meta levels have lower fitting requirements to the other ones but higher activation cost. This is good as it means you now have more flexibility when fitting your cruisers and BS's to be able to squeeze in that T2 plate in exchange for slightly more cap strain. Google Docs for AB's.

For MWD's there is a little more going on. MWD's are now known as 5/50/500 MN to make your market searching a little easier and every class of MWD has a new meta level. This new meta level has higher fitting requirements than the other meta's but has the lowest sig radius bonus of even the T2 variants. 50MN and 500MN also have another new meta level with the lowest fitting requirements but the worst stats overall compared to the rest of the meta's and T2. T2 MWD's also now only reduce your cap slightly less. Overall this means you now have more choice with MWD's so you can choose depending on what specific stat effects your ship the most, eg if you need the low sig or if you have bad cap. Google Docs for MWD's.

A buff overall for AB's and even more for MWD's simply due to the flexibility and choice you now have with fitting.

Plates and Shield Extenders are also getting tweaked. The 50mm and micro class has been removed, but I doubt anyone will miss them.

For armour plates, on the whole the meta's have been buffed in terms of HP bonus, which is nice. There have also been some changes to fitting space in exchange for more/less mass in some cases. So again, more flexibility in fitting. Most notably though, T2 1600mm plates have had their powergrid requirement lowered, which it good news for T1 armour buffer cruisers, as they may not need to fit a powergrid rig anymore, but I havnt done the maths yet so dont hold me to it. Google Docs for Armour Plates.

Shield extenders have had some interesting changes. Small shield extenders got a very nice hp buff. There is also now a shield extender meta that gives a small sig radius bonus than any other. Even with the small shield extender buff though, I can still see medium shield extenders being better. Still though, this may lead way for some new interesting frig fits. Google Docs for Shield Extenders.

Similar to prop mods, you now have a lot more flexibility in terms of fittings with your buffer tank modules, and you can specifically go for meta versions with less mass/sig bonus if your fit benefits from it more than extra hp. I think this will lead us to seeing more variance in small gang and solo PvP fits, especially in frigates, as normally the difference between fitting a mod or not is one or two points.

Lastly, sentry drones have received heavy nerfs, You can see the exact numbers on the patch note page linked below, but gardes, curators and bouncers will deal slightly less damage and track significantly worse. Gardes have also had a major optimal range nerf in exchange for a large falloff buff.

This is yet another indirect Ishtar nerf and we will once again have to wait to see if this will be the final nail in the coffin for the Ishtar meta. Honestly I think not, as imo it's the utility of sentries, not the damage, that makes Ishtars so powerful. Though I could be wrong. It also means Rattlesnake fleets wont be as good unless we all start using Wardens but, they are shit anyways.

Patch notes

This is the first time I have gone through patch notes so I hope I did a good job. 

What Gate Camping Does for EVE:

Gate camping seems like one of those many things in eve that was made just to ruin your day. There is rarely anything you can do but watch your ship blow up. You can try to burn back to gate by all means, but any proper gate camp will have more than enough webs to prevent that from happening. I have lost cruisers and even BC's to gate camps when I was newer to the game and had less wit about myself, and being the butthurt newbie I was it could cause me to log off for the rest of the day. I mean, 30m was pretty much all I had back then as well. Not to see that doesn't sometimes still apply to me though. Although, while rampant gate camping can seem to be a plague on New Eden sometimes, I want to talk today about some of the benefits that gate camping indirectly has for the eve universe.

I think the most important thing to remember with gate camping is to think of what eve would be like without it. A lot of eve is about survival and being able to not get yourself killed, no matter what aspect you focus in, and that's one of the things that makes eve fun. Gate camping is one of those things that keeps you on your toes, among other things, and forces you to think about what you're doing. Think how easy hauling would be if no one gate camped. It would be so simple that you might even be able to go as far and say that it's boring! (/s) It's not just hauling or moving from A to B either. If you have ever taken out a small gang roam, you will know that finding a gate camp can be blessing to give your fleet members a gf, just jump in and start getting 1337 km's. Lastly, gate camping is the perfect place for solo PvPers to show off their mad skills. Think of how many solo PvP videos you have seen of marauders absolutely obliterating gate camps, I'm sure plenty come to mind. My point here is that, gate camps provide content, even though it often seems like they manage to suck out all the fun of everything.

I guess it's important to point out it's sometimes fun to be on the camping side as well. 
Especially with that much Gallente swag.

However, it is important to point out that while gate camping has these benefits, that doesn't mean there is nothing wrong with gate camping, which is probably slightly more obvious. I don't mean in the sense of you not having as much fun because you were too lazy to scout, but I think the main problem with gate camping is its ability to kill alliances. There is a reason Oulley, a system in Placid, is called the system where alliances go to die. It's because Oulley is right next to a high sec trade hub, Orvolle and Oulley starts a pipe that leads to active low sec space, making the Oulley/Orvolle gate very active. This means any alliance that lives there cannot help but gate camp that gate. Now, this would normally be fine, who could blame them after all, but I have seen multiple entities live in that system and every single one of them have spent a large amount of their time camping this gate. This leads to stale, boring content of repeating the same thing to get a number bigger. It's a bit like mining in that sense, but in this case that number is on a killboard and not in your wallet. It's because of this that members get bored and leave and eventually the alliance becomes irrelevant. Either that or the CEO himself gets bored, steals all the moons and leaves for some other alliance, in one particular case. What sucks most about all of this is that these alliances had potential to make some real waves in the area, provide content for other growing entities and have more fun themselves. All in all, gate camping can mean a lot of content is missed out on.

In conclusion, gate camping does a very important job in the eve eco-system but at the same time can make whole pipe's stagnant of content. I don't really have a message of what the right thing is to do, and I wont give a step by step guide of how to manage your gate camping time, but I thought it would be interesting to analyse the pros and cons that gate camping provides for eve, make of it what you will.

I want to say if this post doesn't seem to be as meaty as other posts I am sorry, but I have had to do a lot of revision lately for my exams. One more week to go!

What's Going on With Me: 

I joined a Snuffed Out fleet for the first time in...ever. My corp members were amazed. As soon as I joined the titan escaped. Coincidence, of course. Apart from that I have been looking at my skill queue and impressed myself by all the big scary skills I have training like Jump Drive Calibration and Capital Ships. Only 40d's off of my niddy now! I have decided I am probably going to dedicate it to being some kind of dropping carrier for when I am bored. I used to hate it when people droppped their carriers on me when I was newer, but honestly fuck values WHEN I HAVE A CARRIER.

Apart from that, my final exam is this Friday!

Fit of the Week:

We're gonna do another comet fit this week because since the last time we did one I have changed what fit I like to fly, so I thought I should share. 

As we can see, this fit makes use of the awesome power of hull tanking and mad deeps. Two mag stabs gives you 200 dps cold, which is pretty awesome. Your tank is also godly, over 7k ehp of buffer and then a small ancil rep to compliment that means you can take on most things as long as you can keep range control, and as you are not slowed down by armour tank, you normally can. 

An alternative way to fit this is to meta 4 the DCU and get a nos, because if you ever get into the situation where you are being neuted, or you want to try and take on a cruiser with a medium neut, you can keep your guns pulsing. This does however require a 1% CPU implant. 

This fit is tight for CPU but you have CPU management V anyways, right?

Lastly, I cannot stress enough that this fit requires the Police Pursuit skin for an extra 50% dps buff. Do not undock without it. 

Fight of the Week:

More BS PvP to show off this week. Well, I say show off but it's more of me getting dunked by a small navy cruiser gang. I wanted to talk about this fight though because I think it highlights a very strong composition that I have actually used myself before in small gang and I also want to analyse what I did and see if anyone can point out if I could of done anything differently in the fight to come out with some kills.

I love my scream of hype at the start

So I jump into two VNI's, two ANI's and a Vexor. My first instinct is to go for the VNI as they have more dps and less tank than the ANI, I didnt see the Vexor at first, I should of gone for that. To my horror I was barely scratching the VNI and taking a lot of dps myself. That was when I noticed they were remote rep VNI's so I would not be able to break their buffer tank. Because of this, I switched to the squishier Vexor and neuted both VNI's to try and hurt their repping power. One of my main mistakes this fight was I waited far too long to turn on my cap booster. This would of been fine if it wasnt for the Sentinel keeping me capped out when I got low.

I didnt have enough dps to kill the vexor before their dps broke my reps, so I died without killing anything. I think there was problems on both fronts of dps and tank here, the cap problems meant I couldnt keep my reps constant enough to apply my dps, and it seemed even when I was up I wasnt doing as much damage as I would of liked.

There was no way I could of escaped as there were three scrams on me and I was already in hull, giving me no time to try and cap anything out. Overall I dont think there is much of I could of done with my fit, so I may consider buffer tank from now on, but I'm also interested in what you guys think of the fight.

Battle Report of the Week:

For some reason whenever I try to get a br from zkill atm it always bugs for no reason and I'm not sure how to fix it. Basically, everything from Scope Works is repeated, just ignore it. 

Anyway, caps got dunked in Ostingelle this week, belonging to the ex-OE corp Scope Works. It seems SC manage to catch the caps what looks like pos bashing, but I'm not sure, and proceeded to drop plenty of blops and some caps. Scope Works managed to take out a couple blops on their way out but didnt come close to making up for their loss of 11b. 

If I'm honest I wanted to find something a little less one sided but this was the first semi-interesting br I could find and I have my last three exams next week, so haven't had as much time as I would like, hopefully this will do you guys. 

Sunday, 24 May 2015

State of AF's, CCP Rise's ECM Idea, Sentinel kill, Placid Capital Dunks and more!

Do Assault Frigates need changes?

I have always enjoying flying assault frigates. For me they deliver that perfect combo of tank, dps and utility in solo and small gang. However, with recent changes to the PvP scene, its reasonable to say AF's have been pushed out of the meta, or at least are not as useful as they were a several months ago. I want to talk today about AF's and their place in small gang and solo PvP.

It's also worth mentioning I only fly Gallente AF's (shit sp right here), so I will use them as examples a lot, but I am still aware of how all the other AF's work too.

I feel one of the main reasons AF's are considered 'dead' by a lot of people now is the introduction of T3D's. One of the problems with AF's before T3D's was that they had no defined role, but they still did a good job of simply being combat ships, but now T3D's can literally do everything an AF can and better. They can go much much faster, deal the same dps and tank better. This wouldn't be too much of a problem though if it wasn't for the fact T3D's can fit inside smalls, so AF's would still have a place where they can be useful, but this isn't the case.

Even with the T3D being a better AF though, I still think there could be a place for them as they are cheaper, more types and it's always fun to change things up sometimes. However, AF's still have a huge problem facing them in solo PvP which is their agility is fucking terrible. Normally when you roam in frigates, you have the luxury of being able to get off field much quicker than anyone can lock you. If you land at small plex looking for a fight only to find three thrashers on the gate, most of the time you will be able to warp off without getting two shot. With AF's however, as soon as you land there is no way you are getting off, and you will die just as quickly than as if you were in a T1 frig. The same applied to bait tackle as well. Only yesterday did I land on an enyo, knowing he had another enyo and Svipul in system with him, but I couldn't get off in time because I was in an Ishkur, so I died to a blob without any chance. This makes roaming in AF's that much more difficult.

While AF's may have be having a hard time in solo PvP though, it's worth mentioning that they still have their moments in small gang fleets. I know that Snuffed Out run AF fleets now and then (I should probably be joining those fleets as well) and they seem to work well. A couple months ago with Warp to Cyno, a Placid allinace I helped build, had just started, I used to send out a couple AF fleets myself and I remember getting some really fun fights. Here is a fight of some AF's destroying some T2 cruisers.

Yes I am awear I should of gone for that Huggin many, many times. Hy Wanto still torments me with that to this day. I never claimed to be a good FC alright? Apart from in this video desc.

Fights like these is why I love small gang

I feel one of the reasons AF's still kind of work in fleets is because they are cheaper than T3D's, require slightly less sp and attract less attention. Also, if you roam in a T3D fleet, people are more likely to ship up much higher against you rather than if you were an AF gang. Still though, in terms of actual combat and ignoring the other stuff, T3D's still work better.

So in conclusion I think it's very fair to say AF's are not in a good place right now. Although, there are a couple changes which in my opinion would bring them right back into the meta again.

Firstly, T3D's should not be able to go into small plex's. A lot of people feel this way for other reasons but I am highlighting that one of the benefits of making this change means people will be more encouraged to fly AF's again.

Secondly, AF's desperately need to have an agility buff. If people are going to solo roam in them, they need to be able to warp off quickly when they need to. I don't really see how having low agility balances them in actual combat either, apart from when trying to slingshot. If AF's didn't have to die whenever they accidentally landed on a dessie gang I think that would really help.

Lastly, last night in my stream Suitonia proposed a really interesting idea that give AF's a bit of an edge again. He said because AF's have no specialized role, they should get a bonus that allows them to act as heavy tackle in small gang situations as they already have the tank for it. He suggested giving AF's a bonus to nosferatu's in order to allow them to stick to ships better while maintaining cap and not just get neuted into the ground. I defiantly think giving AF's a specialized bonus like this is a great idea, even if it's not the proposed one here, as it will allow them to be able to do something no other ship class can do, which is what above all they need right now.

CCP Rise's ECM tweet:

This week CCP Rise posted a tweet suggesting a change to the ECM mechanic.

Now, I have no idea if this is something actually being considered or just CCP Rise throwing out awesome ideas as he does but either way I think it's an interesting concept to talk about.

Of course I favorited it, didn't you?

So basically this would mean whenever you are jammed you cannot use your drones, at all. Being a member of the Gallente master race, this sounds horrible, but it is far, far better than not being able to lock at all. It would be quite funny though as it would just remove the drone meta right now, or at least greatly weaken it. As it is now, drones will still attack even if you do not have a lock. This means whenever that pesky rival alliance that lives up the pipe shows up in their 20 man ishtar fleet to kill your pocos you can just scream "SCORPIONS!!!". Well, would probably be Falcons, but Scorpions are cooler. I would think alliances would stop using drone heavy doctrines all together because, while they would still work great without ECM, having a direct counter that you have no idea will turn up or not is too risky. At the very least, ECCM's would be compulsory.

Someone I was talking to about this raised a good question about if non-triage carriers would become useless. I said that because their carriers they should have pretty decent sensor strength, but I guess if the strength of the ECM stays the same a falcon could potentially jam a carrier. At least that's what I was told. I think nerfing the strength of ECM needs to happen either way though, as while it's meant to be RNG, you have to have a couple four leaf clovers strapped to your monitor if you want any hope of keeping lock.

Honestly though if it were up to me ECM would of been removed all together. Fuck Caldari they don't need their own ewar. Just get them to strap neuts onto the end of missiles or some shit idk.

As we're on the topic of CCP Rise, I want to mention that he actually watched my stream at one point, came on a couple times, was a really cool guy to talk to. I ended up having a go at him for making the Worm and the Garmur. That probably explains why he doesn't come on my stream anymore ;_;

What music do you listen to when you play eve?

I know this is a question that has been talked about before, but I like to think that all of us elite solo PvPers extend beyond the average line member's instant response of Taylor Swift. Not that she's bad though.

Anyone who has even loaded my stream instantly knows my music taste is utter shit. Kawaii Japanese computer synthesized voices with the odd song from the USSR Red Army Choir is my main two choices of song for when I'm on the hunt for noobie blood, but I'm curious as to what you guys like.

I feel it's important to listen to different music depending on what you're doing in EVE as well. For example, I wouldn't listen to hardcore death metal (or whatever you class that as) while doing lvl 3 missions in an Ishtar, but during an intense 1v1, it can get the blood pumping so much I forget to active my rep in time and die like a fucking retard.

Do you have specific songs/bands for different activities in eve, or just listen to whatever whenever because you're too scrubbish to fine tune your music listening to properly enhance your EVE Online experience?

What's going on with me:

Once again not much to talk about this week. Although I did get donated two plex, an Orth and a Vigilant on stream last night, so they is that. I cant even use T2 missiles so no idea what im gonna do with the orth. Expect some hilarious whelps from the vigi though. 

Oh and miraculously I'm still in Snuffed Out. My corp recently did a purge and honestly I was expecting to get kicked for inactivity but somehow I'm still here. I told them I'm going to start joining fleets when exams are over so I guess they are listening to me. Only problem now is that I actually have to join fleets when exams are over.

Fit of the week:

We're going with something a little different this week, and focused on small gang fits rather than solo PvP fits. I know a group of people that I used to fly with many months ago and occasionally talk to now and then who seem to having quite a bit of luck with gank thrashers, so much so they used them to try and kill my solo PvP geddon.

Yes, I'm so short on ideas I have resorted to this

So basically the fit costs about 1m for 200 dps. Get five of these and roam around ripping up FW space. They are actually quite good for small gang due to their MWD as well. Now, I am aware that its not exactly new stuff that the gank thrasher is good, but I still think it's good to highlight them as these guys have been using them in placid and null for over a couple months now and are still all under the same corp, which is very rare for these guys, so something must be working. My guess it's these giving them good content.

So if you're a small time FC for some new-ish PvP corp go out with these and if you get any shiny kills while loosing 3m, send me the km's. They are great for getting new players involved and getting roaming experience as an FC'ing as well.

Fight of the week:

As we're on the topic of AF's this week I want to show off a cool kill I got in an Ishkur.

Another reason why Ishkur > Enyo.

This sentinel had been fucking with me in nen for a while, so I decided to go into a plex and see if he would follow. To my surprise he did, with the intention of neuting me out so I couldnt scram him and then burning off. However, through the fine art of spamming I managed to keep my tackle on him just long enough to kill him. It was my first ever sentinel kill and I'm proud. Now fin isn't the only solo PvPer ever to be able to kill one of these things.

Here is the kill:

BR of the week:


 This Friday Snuffed Out dunked about 17b worth of Nocturnal Romance caps. Looks like a rather clean dunking indeed. I am told this was quite a simple fight. They were trying to RF a pos when snuff scouts saw them. A fleet formed quickly, titan was moved and they then dropped on them with some HIC's, resulting in lots of dead caps. Although knowing Nocturnal Romance, they have already been replaced.

A video was made of the kills, so enjoy:

Sunday, 17 May 2015

What to Expect From the Jackdaw, Above Frig Roaming, 1000 Followers, Milkman Challenge, Confessor fits and Placid Capital Brawls!

What to expect from the Jackdaw


With the Jackdaw, the new Caldari T3 Destroyer, on Sisi, people have been messing around with the ship and getting a feel for how works. Today I'm going to be giving you guys my idea of how the Jackdaw is going to turn out, based on my own speculation and second hand experience from people who have flown it.

The Jackdaw having a stupid amount of med slots means there are many variations on how to fit it so, though it may surprise some of you, I will mostly be focusing brawling, though the Jackdaw will be able to kite nicely as well.

I predict that the main brawl fit in solo PvP you're going to see will look something like dual ASB, dual web, scram AB. Either that or tri ASB, or dual prop and one web. Either way, they are going to be hard to break, as their the only T3D that not only gets a sexy defensive mode, but even more tank from the skill bonuses. However, to make up for this they seem to be getting less dps than other T3D's, mainly because two lows and rockets.

So with these two things considered, my guess is that the best way to solo a Jackdaw in another T3D will be to play the waiting game with cap boosters. A confessor or svipul correctly fit will easily be able to hold and tank a Jackdaw long enough to get through its ASB's, I would assume. Otherwise, you would need overwhelming dps to simply alpha your way through its ASB, though with the shield hitpoint bonus this could be difficult, though possible.

 Honestly don't know if this ship is ugly or not. It certainly has a lot of sticky out bits though.

Of course though, solo isnt the only thing worth considering. One of the great things about T3D's is their ability to take on gangs and win. This is probably where the Jackdaw is going to shine, as I feel that its ability to go dual prop is really going to give it an edge in this area. To give an example, lets say there is a frig gang with kiters/logi/ewar, basically stuff you need to kill thats far out. Being dual prop will mean you can blap anything scramming you and then just waltz your way over to the other targets, as in speed mode you will be able to hunt most things down. Dual prop also means that you can escape gangs a lot easier, which is a trait from T3D's I will miss now that you can fit 10MN AB's anymore. The Jackdaw will probably be the strongest kiter out of the T3D's, as it has the utility to fit things like target painters, defensive webs, or again dual prop to escape scram's, and then missiles, again making it good at gangs.

Now, this is all speculation, the Jackdaw may not turn out like this, but I'm trying to give you guys an idea of how I think things will be when it comes out. In conclusion, from what I can tell its going to be very strong, like all the other T3D's thus far. I guess that's no surprise though.

Roaming above frigates/dessies in black rise:


Its quite often that I will have a spontaneous moment in my stream where I think its a good idea to fly something that isnt a comet. This normally means hull tanked cruiser of some kind, and more recently battleships. I go off, spend a stupid amount of time fitting it, as is the fashion in my stream, and then loose it a couple jumps into low sec, either to a gate camp or a blob. However, that is not always the case, as I have got some pretty intense fights in cruisers before and as most of you know some hilarious escapes in battleships. My point is that, these ships are worth flying, but I get often put off by them due to get caught in stupid ways. This normally means I will resort to roaming around quieter areas in Placid. For example I would never go down the Nen -> Tama pipe in a solo BS (even though being in Snuff does help in this area) so I instead spend an hour or so crawling around the depths of Placid and Verge Vendor.

 No matter where you roam, if you're this fucking retarded nothing can help you

I feel that things are just getting increasingly harder for cruisers to roam in FW space these days. Recons hiding in every medium, T3D's that can speed tank you all day and the not so new threat of getting blobbed/caught. To me this is a shame because T1 cruisers can be very fun to go around in, very cheap, and will actually put up a good fight against roaming frig/dessie gangs, so I wouldn't want to see them pushed out of the meta as they seem to be now. I'm not saying that you cant fly them and do well, plenty people do and even I get the occasional gf, but you have to agree that things are moving away from the ideal environment for these ships more and more. This issue is probably why the T3D was released, and honestly I think they do the job well, but they are very expensive (I would say normally require shiny mods as well as their 50m hull price) and have a high skill requirement. How would you guys go about roaming in a random T1 cruiser in active FW space now, if at all?

There is also the option of going bigger in HAC's, but say you fly a Deimos around that is almost begging to get blobbed, due to their brawling nature, which as much as that sads me I know it's true. BS's and some BC's however have a huge edge, due to the MJD. In my opinion this model is the solo PvP'ers best friend, actually giving them the means to go out in something more ballsy without worrying about a condor looking at them funny. Maybe if HAC's could get MJD's as well we would get to have more fun with them. An idea to mess around with at least. 

I thought I would just go over how I think the current above frig PvP situation is today, as its interesting to talk about. Tell me what you think of my analysis in the comments.

What's happening with me:


This week on twitch I hit 1000 followers! I have honestly not been so happy in a long time, it feels amazing that my shitty stream has got such a fan base. It took me almost two years and it feels fucking good. I want to say thanks to all my followers and all my regulars, honestly they are what make my stream, because without them I just talk bullshit and fail at trying to PvP.

Apart from that, exams started. Yes I'm panicking. Yes I should be revising instead of writing this blog.

Fit of the week:

I thought it would be a good idea to show you guys an interesting confessor fit after the changes. The standard fit for T3D's hasn't really changed, just a 1MN AB instead of a 10MN, however the changes have bought way to some alternative fits. I present the dual rep, dual nos confessor. Whats great is that this fit has good cap capability, provided you can manage your reps, and you can fit a web, so you can apply your dps so much better than other confessor fits. This is however a really tight fit, so you need max fitting skills.

Something worth mentioning is that due to the T3D changes, you actually get more dps from damage mods than you did before. Because each gun deals 50% extra damage, the bonus dps from damage mods stack on this. This means having at least damage mod to make use of this is pretty much a given on T3D's now. So, if you have been put off by the lack of 10MN AB's, its worth knowing that their tank and dps is now that much nicer.

Fight of the week:


This week I have something special. No shiny km or super close fight, but instead I was talked into the milk man challenge. Enjoy:


Looking back it was a horrible idea to engage those guys, but to be fair I was already flying a fucking industrial in the first place so I don't think it matters.

Battle Report of the week:

I just love buggy BR's

So as you can tell from first glance this br has bugged out horribly. Basically, What Could Go Wrong are not on the left side. Everything else is fine.

This week we have taken a br right out of placid, the best region in the game, between Goons and What Could Go Wrong with Warp to Cyno. (that alliance I helped build and then run for a bit until we all fucked off to OE). There were a couple other entities trying to join in but no one else really got that involved. Relentless Terrorism, the corp that lives in Oulley and, if anyone remember from my stream, ran away from my lone Hyperion in several VNI's and Ishtars because I can only assume thought I would drop Snuff on them, who were more than three cap jumps away, didn't manage to do anything in the fight. I know that's not relevant but I like to poke fun sometimes. 

Anyway, it looks like capitals got caught for whatever reason, possibly structure bashing, and then Goons bought a subcap fleet of armour BS's to kill the WTC and What Could Go Wrong caps. Most caps got off field and hardly any subcaps were lost, apart from a poor vindi. Goons got rekt but also took out a lot of caps with them. Its a shame they couldnt grab Tom's Swag of Justice.

There seems to be a theme with these fights. Caps kill some caps, armour BS support fleet comes, a vindi dies to blap dreads, other caps get out. I think I'm going to start trying to find smaller br's soon, maybe after my exams, however this is harder and the alliances involved will probably be less relevant. However, it would mean I can analyze each fight more. It depends on what you guys want, updates about what the big boys are doing or me talking bullshit about small gang fights.

BR link:

Sunday, 10 May 2015

How I Roam Around FW Space, How to Start Solo PvP, I was Donated a Nid, Domi Rekting, Dirty Hookbill Fit and Pos Capital Brawls

My favorite roaming routes in Gal/Cal FW space


This week I thought it would be cool to talk about the paths I take when I'm doing frig solo PvP around Placid and Black Rise. I made a pretty picture in paint outlying two different routes in different colours. I will talk through them and why they are fun to roam in. I also want to mention while I talk about solo PvP here, these routes also work great for small gang roams.

My two main roaming routs complete with labels

So first off is the red route, probably the one I take most often. It forms a nice loop starting at Nen, going to Tama, to Ostingele, to Nen. It also passes through Heydalies for when I feel like I dont have enough Russian blobbing in my life. This is a good route to take because it goes through some of the most active systems in the area with good pipes in between. I normally would only take frigs/dessies there though, as the potential to be blobbed, especially going from Nen to Tama, is relatively high. You will often see fleets passing through these systems but you rarely get caught on gates. Its when you go into a medium and are met by three Recons you need to worry. 

The second route in green is a much quieter, shorted route. Sometimes if I cant find fights in the first route, I look around in that pocket for farmers who are up for a fight or whoever is around. You go from Nen to Innia through Akidagi and then back to Nen through Eha, again making a nice loop. You can sometimes find some really good frig fights around here and because its quieter can be better for taking cruisers. 

I take these routs pretty much every stream I do and they work out pretty well. I hope to see some of you guys down these pipes soon.

Feel free to comment and tell me where you guys roam, if its similar or if I'm just a complete retard missing all the good PvP systems.

How anyone can get into Solo PVP

I said I was going to do an FC guide this week but when I started to write it up it suddenly occurred to me I'm fucking terrible at FCing and should not be writing a guide on it. Maybe another time.

Instead this week I'm going to make a guide on something much cooler, Solo PvP. This guide is going to outline how any newbie, carebear veteran or line member can start solo PvPing and with a bit of hard work and luck, get some km's they can proudly show off.

I'm going to be going off mostly experience. This means this guide will be mainly about FW space frigs instead of null. However, I will talk about bigger ship types that can work in almost any environment. My advice to anyone who is in the depths of null, get an empty jump clone into a trade hub close to some good solo PvP systems. This also applies to anyone with expensive implants. Smartbombing is something you need to look out for when roaming many active systems at a time, if you loose your ship in a fight and you have slaves in, it could be a paranoid couple jumps back to a station, and without insta undocks you're probably gonna get podded trying to dock up anyways.

Don't be this noob

What to fly:

So first off we're going to start with what ship to fly. For complete noobs, this is where the T1 frigate really shines. Cheap, effective, fast, fun. Take a look at your skill points. What are you skilled into? The main things you are looking for is spaceship command skills, so gallente frigate, amarr frigate, ect, gunnery, missile skills or drone skills, and then shield or armour skills. Knowing what your strong points are in terms of sp is going to help you decide what ships you're going to fly and what kind of PvP you're gonna do.

Once you know what you are skilled into, choose pretty much any T1 combat frigate ship you like the look of. As long as it isn't the Condor, you dirty kiting bastard. Other weak ships include the Punisher and the Slasher. This dosnt mean you cant fly them, but there are better options for what they do.

Next is fitting the ship. I cant go through every best fit for every T1 frig, but if you are completely lost for what to fit, ask in a PvP channel and someone will give you some stuff to work with. I would recommend Bringing Solo Back, they will answer any questions you have, or even better (expect not better) is my channel Kar_Athri.  Generally I would keep your fits cheap, as you're going to die a lot, so if for some reason people link you T1 frigs with T2 rigs or faction mods for whatever reason, adjust to T1/T2 accordingly. Once you have a ship and a fit, buy several of those to jump back into when you die.

How to Roam:

Now we can finally undock and start looking for fights! How do we find fights though? With the most useful tool for any solo'er, D-scan. What you will mostly be doing is setting a destination, then going along scanning all the FW beacons. Set max range, a 5 degree angle a center tracking position on. This way you only have to click on the beacon on your overview and your camera will align to it. Once you find another ship, double click on the result to see info about the ship so you can decide if you can fight it or not. You only really want to be taking on other T1 frigs, so avoid T2 or faction frigs, and avoid dessies, as they will two shot you unless you know what you're doing.

Once you have something to try and fight, warp to the beacon (at 10km!) and take the acceleration gate when you land. Now is where things get fun. Assuming this ship is looking for a fight as well, and will not just warp off because he's farming, the very first think you need to do is lock them up and active your point, web, guns and prop mod. While your locking up, set orbit and launch drones if you have any. From there on, you overload your guns (don't burn them out ffs) and prey to the gods their ship explodes before yours.

The Fight:

The actual details of the 30 second fight is what is whats important though. The mechanics and options of frig PvP can get really complicated, and you will learn all the tricks through experience, but for now we will keep it simple. The main thing is frig PvP is range control. You need to learn about every other ship and what they use. You then need to learn about what you use. Generally, blasters have the best tracking, followed by autocannons, followed by lasers. Tracking is where transversal comes into everything. Its kind of complicated, so we wont go into the details here, as there are better guides already available, but the essence is that your tracking depends on two things; speed and range. The farther out you are from a target, the easier it is to hit. The slower it is, the easier it is to hit and the more damage you will do. This means that if you fly a ship with lasers, orbiting at 500m is not a good idea, because you will not hit your target very often. If you meet a ship with lasers, you should know orbiting at 500m is the best thing to do. You should normally orbit instead of keeping at range because while it means your guns will deal less damage, it will also mean you will take less damage. Its a trade off you will learn when and when you shouldn't make, but for now orbiting is what you should stick to. Overall the general idea is, if you track better than them, keep a tight orbit so you will hit them more often than they hit you. Otherwise, orbit farther out and take advantage of your better range. If they are in your optimal but you're not, you will apply more damage and win. Its all about knowing when you pull range and when to orbit close. This is also where ammo plays a part. You should read through the main types of ammo your guns use and apply them to the different situations you face. Normally you will carry three ammo types, sometimes four.

Of course, none of that applies to missile. They just have a max flight range. If you're not in that range, you dont get hit, but that's normally out of scram range and your optimal range, so keeping at range to apply more damage than them is normally the best option here.

So this concludes the basics of solo PvP. The rest is just learning to react to different ships, learning about everything that is out there and having fun. Remember, you're going to fucking suck at solo PvP when you start, but one day you will get the hang of it and get some really fun fights. Eventually you will learn what you can and cant take, you will start winning fights you shouldnt be able to, and then you will start trying out bigger ships and ascend into a true PvP god.

Understanding solo PvP allows you to understand any form of PvP. Apart from market PvP.

My very first solo kill. Even I was once scurbbish (still am)

What's happening with me


My exams start next week. Because of this I haven't been doing much on eve, apart from streaming and getting 1337 solo kills. I have decided though I need to make some kind of comet fit that can defeat the duel web TD armour Hookbill, because those have been giving me hell recently.

Oh also I was donated a Nidhogger on stream last night. Seriously I was really surprised when I saw that contract, thought it was fake or something at first. Two months until I can fly it, I better get training.

Fight of the week


Moar BS PvP to show off today. Not the most intense fight ever but a really weird composition of ships that took on my Domi.

I am far too lucky to get a fight like that

I warped to the gate, was about to jump but paused when I saw a gate flash. I jut happened to be a Phobos with some friends. I handled it quite well, taking out the logi first and then taking out expensive shit. The reason I went for the phobos over the Cyclone is because I thought it would be active shield tanked, meaning it would tank more than a Phobos. It also just happens the Cyclone was shit fit beyond belief.


Fit of the week


Now I am aware that showing off a Hookbill fit when only recently I was talking about how they should be lower in Gorski's frig tier list is contradicting myself, but I wont let my pride stop me from admitting when I see a good fit. Granted, this isnt anything too new, but I know there will be people who haven't heard of it yet, or have but just didn't know its potential, like me.

Disclaimer: I am not admitting I was wrong about the Comet being better the Hookbill. Well, at least until I can come up with a comet fit to counter this...but when I do, I will be back to being right!


This fit revolves around utility and range control. You have meh dps and decent tank, but you can basically give a big fuck you to any turret boat. Normally dual web is enough to negate a lot of damage from turrets. You either pull range on close range weapons or tight orbit on long range ones. However, with the correct ammo loaded and some piloting skills, they can still hit you. Its the tracking disruptor that really fucks thing up for them. It dosnt matter if you have null loaded with a TE, an optimal range distrup script and trying to hit 7500m off is going to fuck you. Basically, you just remove any damage from turrets on a ship, and laugh as your dps slowly wears them down.

So what counters this fit? I would say either drone boats or other rocket boats as they make your TD useless. So you wouldn't try and take an Ishkur in this fit, but you could kill an Enyo. If you do find another rocket boat and its not a Hawk, you could probably just out tank it. If it does look like you're gonna die, you have two webs so you can just burn out and warp off.

This is fit isnt really that tight, obviously you need CPU skills but you have those at V already right? There is an alternative fit with a 400mm plate which gets slightly more ehp but it required a 2% powergrid implant, two powergrid rigs and AWU V. If you can do that though, by all means.

So go, get some kills and post them in the comments!

BR of the week


Thats right, a BR with Did He Say Jump again. People are probably going to think this is all some kind of recruitment scheme for them by now, but according to Hy Wanto, the guy who I beg for interesting BR's every week, not much happened this week, so we're going with this.

The story behind this fight is Did He Say Jump and Gal Mil were defending a pos against DT and SC. The pos was taken which had a moon, though I was told the moon wasn't anything special.

Here we have a nice little capital brawl which seems to be all about the one Moros that could. The Moros of Did He Say Jump with sub cap support took out three dreads before going down. Maybe it was a reenactment of the famous 'I burnt my guns' fight?

It seems once again kitchen sink armour BS's were the name of the game for Did He Say Jump and Gal mil. An expensive vindi was wiped off the field by one of the dreads, and geddons were killed, probably to get the remaining caps off field safely. All one of them.

The other side didnt take many sub cap losses, but then again how could you with that many guardians. Leave it to DT to be that safe. Overall DT and SC ended the fight with an efficiency of 37% and loosing 16b. However, they did remove the pos they set out to destroy, so one could argue it was just an expensive win. What do you guys think?

The BR is quite buggy today, for some reason I cant save it so the link is all weird and its showing the same archon on both sides, so the numbers are a bit out. Here is the link.

Vestion Stenier-Tian > hy wanto
Vestion Stenier-Tian > that br you linked me was of doppel's pos right?
hy wanto destroyer > no
Vestion Stenier-Tian > oh
Vestion Stenier-Tian > well now it is
hy wanto destroyer > idk how that fight started

Yea so just ignore the whole part where I talk about pos's in that br. Who knows, maybe it was still a pos fight.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

New SKIN System, How to Make a Corp, Comet Fits, Myrm Fights


The new ship skins system is here! Finally we can all enjoy the great (and not so great) skins that CCP has to offer without paying for separate ships every time. When I heard about this, which was the day it came out, because I pay far too little attention to these things, I was elated to find I could buy my beloved woop woop comet permanently, no more feeling bad whenever I spent 20m extra on a ship for no good reason! The skin was only 30m, which compared to pretty much every other skin, which were in the hundreds of millions, was a pretty good deal. From now on, all comets shall be woop woop comets. Never again shall I have to wonder why the fuck a spaceship has jungle cameo, in space.

Only a matter of hours after releasing the new patch did we get a shuttle try to haul several billions worth of skins through high sec:

  Don't tell me you didn't see this coming

I had actually rushed to post this on reddit as soon as I saw it, at the same time someone else posted the same link. I got 35 points, they get a couple hundred, life is hard.

Skins bug:

If you had been living under a rock for the last couple days, you may have missed probably the best bug of all time. Through some cleaver manipulation (spamming) of the fitting panel, you could apply any skin to any ship in the game. It was glorious.

As soon as people realized, we started seeing supers of all kind in different skins, almost all of which looked fucking sexy.

The Blood Raider Nyx

I even started having some fun of my own. As you an guess, I rushed to make everything I could in my hanger Police Pursuit. It worked out pretty well:

It even had red and blue flashing lights

Overall this was an awesome bug, everyone had a good time. Although, the fun police soon put a stop to that because lore, I think.

Everyone go tell CCP how much you want the bug back, maybe they will change their minds. Until then, only the comet will be privileged enough to use the police pursuit skin.

How to make a successful corporation.




I have decided to make a detailed step by step guide of how to make your own corporation from scratch. This is because I wanted to make a guide for FC'ing, but I felt like doing this first would set me up better for doing FC'ing next week, as if you are trying to FC from no experience you are going to want to be in a noob friendly place, and unless you join a dedicated noobie alliance, that place is probably going to be a small PvP corp.

I personally have had a lot of experience with being a CEO, I made my own corp called Icendus Corux which is currently hibernating but in its prime was pushing 60 members in a Placid based PvP alliance called Quam'Nocent, of which Icendus Corux was the biggest (and coolest) member. Now, like most alliances, drama struck and Quam'Nocent hasn't been active since, though it is still alive, waiting for a glorious return one day. It actually did last a while though, over six months of PvP activity, which imo is quite impressive for an alliance run by complete scrubs (mainly me).

I have been told running a corp is one of the few things in eve I'm actually alright at, so hopefully I will be able to give some useful information, but honestly I don't know how this will turn out, so forgive me if any super 1337 CEOs out there recoil in horror at this post.

So before I dive into the details of starting your corp, I want to clear some things up:

Running a corp is hard.

If you're going to make a half decent corporation, it is going to require commitment, consistency, work and above all time. At first, you're going to be lonely, shit and no one will be interested in you. Then you're going to recruit some members who will also be shit, not log on much and leave without warning, even if you think they were your favorite. When things finally get going, you're going to be the go to guy for everything. You're going to log on and start dealing with three separate convos, reply to mails, make mails and send out roams. One of the golden rules for being a CEO at first is, nothing happens until you log on and do stuff. Seriously, you can have your whole member base on and no one is going to do fuck all until you spoon feed them content. That is your job as a CEO, to provide people content, not to feel like you have a big penis.

You don't need experience to be a CEO.

this may seem like a contradiction to my above paragraph, but it makes sense.When I started my corp, I was a couple months into the game, had around 10m sp, not all in combat, and had only been in one other low sec PvP corp. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. Yet, I managed to make something out of nothing, even though I was so new. My point here is, do not worry if you feel like you haven't played enough or you haven't been in enough corps, follow your dreams basically.

You cant do it all.

You cannot start a corp and then claim you're a missioning/mining/PvP/wh/low sec corp. You must focus on one aspect of the game, or you will fall apart quickly, as anyone who joins your corp for one of these aspects wont be satisfied because you are trying to give them four other aspects at the same time, making the one they're interested in underwhelming. I know you may want to appeal to as many people as possible, but trust me, stick to one thing, if you go into another thing over time its because you will naturally progress there, don't force it.

You will probably have to handhold.

If you're starting a new corp, with you as the only member, the only people you are going to be to get to join you will be new players fresh into the game. They will have no idea wtf is going on. You will have to take them all individually through each and every aspect of the game. This can be very tedious, but it will mean more loyal players and a more tightly knit member base if they decide to stay with you. When you start getting more members, you can raise your standards. Until then, its 0.2m sp pilots all the way. Unless you can offer some really good content from the very start, that is.

You don't have to be in an alliance, but it helps.

By no means at all are you required to join an alliance to make your corp good.You can easily get by as a corp on your own, making your own content and keeping your own members. Do not feel like you need to join an alliance if you would prefer to stay as a lone corp.

That being said, joining an alliance that does the same things as your corp will provide a lot of benefits. It means your members have content and other people to play with when you're not around and it means you are more likely to bring in new members. However, it does mean you're no longer your own boss and you have people to answer to. Overall, anything you can do in an alliance you can do out of it. It may take more work but it will also be more rewarding.

Fresh corp just made:

Once you have decided on your name, logo and ticker, you can start your corp. I am going to go through some things that you should do before you even think about getting anyone in the corp.

Firstly, you need to sort out your shares. Shares is a silly mechanic that never gets used but has the potential to hijack your corp. Go into your corporation wallet, the shares tab, right click the 1000 shares there and give them all to yourself. Simple.

An example of what you should see, but yours will have shares to take

Next you are going to want to set up the corp bulletins and motd. Include important information like the ts ip and home system but then add whatever else you feel nessecary such as the corp rules, a little bit of information about what you want the corp to be, an inspirational message, whatever, just have something there. Make it colourful as well.

You are also going to want to set up roles and corp hangers. Go to wherever it is you have decided you want to live and rent out an office at that station. You will need to transfer some isk into your corp wallet to pay for this office, it shouldn't be too expensive, probably under 1m a month, however I do know that some can be as stupid as 60m/month. If that's the case, I suggest finding another station, unless you have isk to spare.

Once you have an office, you will have corp hangers at that station that your members can use. You're going to want to set up roles in order to stop people stealing from them if you decide to put anything valuable there. To do this, open to corp tab, members tab, role management tab. From there go through each role there and learn what they are. Depending on what type of corp you are, some may be more useful than others. Once you know what you want your line members to have, make sure you apply those roles to every new member that joins.

Lastly, you need a public channel for your corp. This is so you can talk to recruits easily, the motd can give info on your corp and you can have corp friends chill out in there and talk to possible recruits and members. I would recommend putting a link to your public channel in your corp description. To do so, give this a quick read.

One thing to look out for in your public channel is poachers. It happens a lot to new corps. CEO's and recruiters from other corps will sit in your channel, not say anything, and then convo anyone you talk to when they see you have a recruit. Dealing with this is not hard. If someone does not respond to you in your channel, that's normally a red flag. If this person is a CEO, has a recruiter tag, or has just been in their corp for many months, that's pretty much confirmed that they are there to steal recruits.

Where to live:

If I'm honest this isnt my strong point, as when I made my first corp I decided I was going to live in solitude (that's a really stupid idea) so I will keep this part short and stick to what I know. If you're a low sec PvP corp, be in FW. Period. FW is great for T1 frig small gangs and you will be doing a lot of those.


Once you have a place to call home and all the corp settings in place, you're ready to start getting members! Setting up a corp add in the recruitment tab will be the first thing to do. Again this will require some isk from the corp wallet, a couple mill at most to keep it up for a decent amount of time. Just fill it all in as you see fit, all the settings are there for you to put in.

Next you're going to want a cool eye catching message for the recruitment channel. The recruitment channel will be your main source of new members, so this is important. What I recommend here is designing the whole thing in a notepage and then copy pasting it into the channel. This makes it a lot easier to do. Start off the message with a link to your add, followed by bullet points about your corp. So for example:

"new corp for 1337 PvP is recruiting"
-Low Sec PvP
-New Player Friendly
-FW Space
-The CEO is a girl (this one gets members, don't ask how I know)
<link to public channel here>

Once you're happy with the message, start posting it in recruitment. Dont spam it. This will turn people away from your corp. I normally wait until my add cant be seen anymore and then a bit. Just always be recruiting, tab into the channel, CTRL+Up Arrow Key, enter and go back to what you were doing.

Once you get people joining your public channel, give them a wave, make chit chat, be friendly. Start asking them if they're interested and make sure to move them through the process as if you let them do their own thing, they will just forget and go somewhere else, so keep the convo alive. Also, be honest. Don't say all your members are amazing PvPers when they are all two days old.

Always always always get people to include their full API key when they apply. Always go through it. Check their mail, contacts, wallet transactions (for example, if they claim to be new the game, but for some reason have a couple bill donation to them from someone in PL) and combat logs for awoxers and spais.

You may think "meh whats the point" and honestly I did too at one point. I recruited someone, didnt check their API cus im a lazy cunt and then it just so happens that member was a spy for our rival alliance. They told those guys when we were moving a freighter with 4b worth of ships for a fleet op that night (that's a whole other story, will tell it some time) and then just as that freighter jumped, conveniently an Arazu from that alliance decloaked. A couple mins later, we had just lost 4b because of my lazyness. As we sat in station crying and reading the shit talk in local, someone mentioned how our whole fleet had just be welped before the op had even started.

Once things get going:

Now that you have some members to boss around, you are going to want to make sure you have content. Whenever you're on and have some spare time, start a frig roam. Even if its with one other guy, go out and have some fun, loose your ship and go home. Keep doing this over and over. Eventually, your members are gonna get to know each other as they die together and friendships will actually form. This is the bedrock of any corp. As you go around, get to know the people who live around there. Get to know that one guy who is always ratting, the guy who is always blapping FW farmers, the alliance that keeps dropping on you. Be friendly, dont be the first to start shit talking, dont get known as that dickish PvP corp no one likes or the one that always brings BC's to fight frigates because trust me, that will not work out in the future.

Get to know your members:

As the subtitle suggest, you are going to want to get to know your members. Talk to them in corp about your day and theirs. How old are they, what do they do for a job, what do they study, what do they like ect. This again will bring your corp closer together and simply make you better.

As well as finding out stuff about your members irl, the same should go for eve. What ships can they fly, do they have alts, how do they make isk. Who can probe down mission runners in your local pipe, who wants to help out with tasks in the corp, who has a secret super pilot they never told anyone about. That seriously happened in my corp btw. The guy is inactive now, but the Nyx is still sitting in a dead pos somewhere, in my old corp.

Lastly, keep things smooth:

Once all the ground work is out the way and it actually looks like your corp is growing steadily, the most important thing is not to sit back and let it do its own thing. You have to keep being as involved as you were when it was just you and another guy. Keep scheduled roams to give your members content they know will happen, keep doing random roams/hunting missioners whenever people are online and always always keep recruiting or you will stagnate. Like I said above, whenever you're doing something, just send messages in recruitment now and then. If you feel like recruitment is getting a bit much or you're getting bored of it, which happens, get your members to help out. Having a dedicated recruiter in your main TZ and your off TZ (eg EU and US) is a great idea as it means you're always recruiting even when you're not online and waking up to brand new members in the morning is always satisfying.

So that concludes my guide on how to make a successful corp, I hope this helps someone out there who wants to give it a try. Even if you don't follow any of this, just remember one thing, activity is key, the rest will follow.

Next week I will be doing another guide on how to start FCing for small gang roams. This will hopefully be good for someone who just made a new PvP corp using this guide. See? I think these things through.

Snuffed Out is moving to Rakapas


As for whats going on in Black Rise atm, Snuff is moving there. I think this could be interesting. They wont be moving far, but it will mean Nennamaila and close by systems will get a bump in activity, while the Russians will get free rein over Sujarento and that area. We will see how it plays out, overall though I cant see too much of a difference in fleet or solo PvP happening. Santo may be just that bit close for some of us though.

Whats going on with me


So this week I haven't actually been up to much. I am actually really bad at going to snuff fleets and I feel my corp hates me for it but oh well, exams are coming soon so they cant say shit. I cant wait to start FCing again, but honestly I do feel a bit intimidated to try with snuff, as I don't know where to begin, who to talk to and how to schedule roams ect. It was a lot simpler in OE. Either way, I am going to want to actually attend some roams as a line member first.

I did go to one Harby roam. It was quite nice as we had gone a whole 30 mins without a fight and the FC was saying sorry.Normally I would find 30 mins without a fight normal, so I must admit its refreshing to be in an official super 1337 PvP alliance.

Fit of the week:


In light of the new skin system and how all comets are going to look fucking sexy from now on, I figured I would give you all a comet fit to mess with this week, so you now have an excuse to loose loads of solo PvP comets.

So as you can see this fit is a bit different from most standard comets. Its normal in the sense that its scram web AB and has rails, but the twist here is that it has replaced the damage control with a 200mm plate. This means that your armour tank will not be beat by any ship of the same class, as you have buffer, resists and rep power. The rails means that you can hit as far out as you like, with Antimatter for scram kite, Thorium for killing kite and 20'ers, Javelin for things getting under your guns or getting under bigger hull's guns and Spike for anything really, really far out.

The fact you have no damage control means when you go into hull, you're dead, but the 200mm buffer means that it is hard to get you there, and there isnt that much bleed through.

This is an extremely tight fit. AWU V is required if you're not using implants.

The main weakness to this fit is that the buffer tank makes it very slow, which can be bad for rails. To help  this, I would recommend getting a powergrid implant and replacing the trimarks with repping rigs.
Other than speed though, this fit has it all. Speed, dps and range. Try it out in FW space for some gf's.


 Fight of the week:


For this week's fight I have a nice little Myrm vs SFI and Nomen fight that I want to analyze. Nothing died and I had to end up MJD'ing out, as I was getting kited from 20km away, so my drones couldn't hit, and they were breaking my tank.

So as you can see I didnt do amazingly there. There are a couple things that I think this means I should change about the fit though. For example, right now it is long point, in order to hold down ewar and logi ships, however thinking it through a myrm that only has medium/small neuts anyway and probably wont be taking fleets that big would be better off with a scram. If I did have a scram, I probably would of been able to grab one of those ships and then dig into them with my dps, giving me a nice km.

Another thing is drones. I was terrible with drones in that fight. Having all gallente heavies and meds dosnt help in the first place, but I stuck with ogres for far to long. I should of seen from the start that they were going to kite me and ogres had no chance of hitting them. Hammerheads would of at least got some shots off, but I'm not sure if they would of killed them. In the future, I am thinking either praetors or Bezerkers for the speed, and Valkyries for again the speed. Dps isn't as much of an issue as I have a DDA.

At the very least my fit allowed me to get out of the fight easily due to the MJD. If something with a scram had shown up, neuts would of solved that problem, and if it was in neut range, I could of dps'ed it, so its not as much the survivability I am thinking about, but rather the dps application. 

What do you guys think I could of done differently in that fight? Or was I doomed to be kited for all eternity without any km's either way?

Br of the week:


Vestion Stenier-Tian > hy wanto
Vestion Stenier-Tian > got any br's for me this week
hy wanto destroyer > no
hy wanto destroyer > yes
hy wanto destroyer > no
Vestion Stenier-Tian > so
Vestion Stenier-Tian > you're telling me nothing interesting this week happened?
hy wanto destroyer > yes

As you can see, I tried, but I guess there really were no fights this week. Granted I can try and find one myself but if I'm being honest I have had loads of revision to do this week (exams in two weeks..) and I dont really have to the time to write out a fleshed out bit on a br anyway. Next time I will make this part of the blog the first thing I do, to make sure it dosnt happen again, sorry to everyone </3